Thursday, September 27, 2007

Beano breaks team 3K record

I am fairly certain that Beano broke the 3K record for testing with a 9:31. I am only able to look back to 2000-2001 season. Granted we probably have had some xc runners who joined the team later in the fall who can and have run faster than that. However Ben now holds the record for team testing at least in recent history. Truly impressive for someone who has not been able to race the past two years with back injuries and then mono last year. Zach also had a PR with 10:07 to finish tied for third with first year Kyle Marvinney. The biggest improvement was Jake Birchard who took over a minute off of last years PR.

While there were not any record times on the women's side I am very pleased to have everyone finish under 13:30 with first years Libby Hayden and Sophie Allen winning in a time of 12:07 just one second ahead of Kalie. All in all it was a tight finish all around which made it difficult to keep track of who finished in what place exactly although I know I have the times correct within a second.

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