Saturday, February 14, 2009

Higley holdin' out

With the rest of the team either racing at Dartmouth or bed-ridden with the horrible sickness that's ransacked the school lately (The Slubonic plague?), I headed off solo to check out the skiing at Higley. Like the rest of New England, our fair village of Canton was also struck by a late-March type thaw, and the end of the week was spent running. The campus was a mix of dirt, sludge, and random piles of snow covered in dirt and sludge. I couldn't take the running after only 2 days of it, so when we got a fresh inch or so Thursday night I hopped in Big Red (my faithful old Subaru) and ventured to Higley. Lo and behold, the trees were white and the snow plentiful. It was a completely different scene than campus only a few miles away. I just cruised easy for an hour and had the whole place to myself. It wasn't groomed, but the snow wasn't deep enough to make skating difficult. The skiing out on the lake turned out to be the best spot (the tracks told me the snowmobilers agreed). The snow was thin and packed out on the ice, so under bluebird skies and sun I coasted around the open lake and called it a day. Looks like the skiing survived and everything will be back to normal next week. Good luck to the Dartmouth crew this morning!

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