Tuesday, November 1, 2016

Up and Up to St. Regis

Greetings blog followers! Happy November 1st! Where has the time gone?! We hope you all had a festive, but scary halloween!

Last Friday, October 28th, was our infamous hill climb up St. Regis!  It is a pretty long drive, and so the girl’s van was happily entertained by ETown’s dog, Sophie.  She was happy to jump over seats, crawl under them, or sit in your lap - as long as you were willing to pet her.  Other than that, most of the car ride was uneventful, until we started seeing snow as we got nearer to the trailhead.  That was our first clue as to the kind of afternoon we were in for.
Jordan and Sophie
Start of the infamous St. Regis uphill time trial. This year in the snow! We just wondered how much snow was at the top.... #saintsskiing #sluski #determined #stlawrenceu #herewegosaints
Start of St. Regis uphill race!

After a quick warm up that gave ETown time to get to the top before the speedy guys, Liz started us off.  Right away we knew it would not be a year for breaking records.  On the flatter sections down below, there were numerous fallen trees that you had to run around, under, or through.  That was in addition to negotiating the slippery leaves, snow, and mud.  It only got harder as you went up.  By the top, the snow was up to our ankles.  The running conditions did not make for fast times!  However, even though the snow may have slowed us down, it didn’t diminish our energy!  
Dana'18 powering to the finish!

Ryan'20 led by Sophie to the top!
Kate'20 fighting 'till the end!
Water's'19 happy to have made it to the top,
despite not racing due to a battle with an everlasting cold!

There were a lot of great performances considering the conditions.  It was cool to see people leave it all out there and race up a mountain despite the conditions.  Everyone was beat by the time they reached the top.  I personally have never been that happy to see a fire tower.  Of course, Ruben and Dustin would never be so tired as to miss out on sliding down a mountain while imitating monkey screeches….
Top of St. Regis Mtn.
We may have missed out on a view, but as Dana said, “It was like a winter wonderland!” I think that’s even better.  Not only did we run up a mountain, but we ran into an entirely different season.  It was awesome.  There’s definitely no way to make running up a mountain easy, but I think we can at least say we made it kind of fun.  Thanks to Jackie for all the pictures!

Here are the results, if you wish to see how we all did~ 

Swomley'17  -30:46
Ramsay'19    -32:23
Castren'19     -32:27
Cyr'20           -34:57
R. Young'20  -40:18
M. Young'19 -45:03

Avg: 36:19

Hochschartner'20  -37:37
Hatton'18              -41:30
Andy'20                -43:24
Tanguay'20           -44:57
Waters'19              -finished
Schriefer'20          -finished
Garso'20               -finished
Laird'20                -DNS
Siegel'20               -DNS

Avg: 42:02

-Lucy’20, edited by Dana'18

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