Wednesday, September 5, 2018

First Week Back!

            Hey everyone! We’ve just gotten our first week behind us, and things are looking good. It was a much-needed recovery week for some of us, so there isn’t a lot to report in the training department; however, it's been a ton of fun with so many new faces this fall. We just had some easy runs, our new strength program – Volt, an easy classic, GAME DAY J, the alumni xc race, and a skate OD.

In some ways, everything is the same as usual. August in Canton is way too hot and humid. The skis are just as scenic with all the cows, horses, and corn, and the roads could maybe use some repaving. We did the Run 4 Ryan cross-country race as usual.
Jackie and I got some great views out in the middle of nowhere
Above the clouds! (and in them) on Skylight
            But there are always some new things each year too, plus all of our new teammates! For instance, on Sunday morning, we got to hear someone practicing their bagpipe on our OD ski. ETown was also beaten by every member of the men’s team in the Run 4 Ryan race (that's the first time I remember that happening), and it seemed like the whole women’s team was satisfied by our races and that no one blew up (hey, sometimes it is hard to remember what it feels like to RUN a 5k).

Jackie and I'd say the sunset hike was worth it
            It’s been a long break from the blog, but from here on out we’ll be getting back to regular posts. I hope that all the followers of the blog had great summers! I know we all spent it getting a break from school, gaining work experience, hanging out with friends, and doing some training of course too. Since we don’t have too many pictures from this first week, here are a few from my summer. I tried out taking it a bit easier to hopefully have more energy going into the fall, which for me meant doing more hiking/running and less rollerskiing. It was awesome, and now I’m ready for all the hard workouts this fall will bring! Anyway, thanks for reading, and keep an eye out for the first years’ introductions coming soon!

Missing summer nights without homework...

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