Thursday, January 31, 2019

Racing... Brought to you by rom coms.

It was very windy...

Last weekend – yes, I’m finally going to get back on time with the blog - some of us chose to use the off carnival weekend to race the Supertour/Eastern Cup/Mid-A JNQ in Lake Placid. We had a great time, and honestly, some people had their best races yet! First off, Kate raced on Friday and crushed :) The rest of us had class or just didn't feel like it, though, so she had to represent for all of us.

The rest of us left around 6:30 Saturday morning. Very early and Ian sort of missed the memo on that (also Jordi and I may have been a little late too, but we beat Ian!)... But after Jordi gave Ian a phone call wake up, we were all in the van only a couple minutes behind schedule. We made it to Van Ho in plenty of time. The first day, only Ian, Jordi, and Steph raced the classic sprint (Jackie and I cheered). They represented us well, though! Ian had one of his best races of the year, Jordi worked on sprinting although its not her favorite, and Steph worked her way through the heats to be 4th in the junior final! She did an awesome job running up the hill, which amazed me, because I didn’t even know this course had a hill! For those who remember the SLU Carnival a couple years ago... the sprint course now ACTUALLY goes all the way up the hill.

Stephiii in the mass start!
That night Steph, Jordi, and I all stayed at my house to avoid the extra driving. We had some good soup, cheesecake (dessert is a must in the Hochschartner household), and watched a rom com. Rom coms are excellent pre race preparation – don’t let anyone tell you otherwise.
Steph and I got to start in the same track :)

The next day we were greeted to LOTS of wind and snow. It was an old-fashioned ski race for sure. It reminded me of way-back-when videos from the Olympics with old guys winding their way through one little track in the woods with ice all over their beards. The times were really slow, but let’s say it was character building. Emily and Jackie joined us in the race, though both had some injury/health issues (fine now). Steph and Jordi both had some of their best races, though! So, I’m going to attribute it all to the cheesecake and rom com. Some of the boys – GH, Matt M., and Ben came to race as well. They all did a good job, but were left wanting more. Honestly, the idea of racing 15k on Ladies 5 in those conditions (or any?) sort of makes me want to cry, so its impressive they did it at all. Graham, Kate, Erin, and Jordan T (who used to be on the team) also all came to cheer, so that was amazing! Thanks so much. And keep an eye out for another post soon about our races at Stowe/UVM tomorrow and Saturday! I’ll try to not be so late!

All results for your inner results stalker

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