Sunday, December 22, 2019

Thankful for your patience! - A Camp Recap

The ForĂȘt! (Gabby photo)
A MEGABED full of team love (Em photo)
Before I begin, check out this AMAZING video from Jordi! If you want to save yourself some reading, it will give you a better recap than I could ever put into words. She did a truly spectacular job.

Videographer extraordinaire, Jordi! (Gabby photo)
It’s a bit late, but we can’t miss a run down of Thanksgiving camp! Honestly, this one was the best I’ve ever been to. This team is amazing - the senior in me is getting a bit sad! We had awesome snow, though not everything was open due to logging. Still, toward the end of the week, they opened up some of the big trails up top, which were super fun. The team brought their A game for all of our workouts, with more people staying out for the max time than I can ever remember. They also brought their A game for cleaning up around the house, which, when you have more than 20 of us in a house, is so important! Most importantly, everyone was excited to spend time doing the little things that make camp fun. Settlers of Catan, dancing in the kitchen, watching Hannah Montana or High School Musical: The Musical: The Series (don’t worry, we’re already die hard fans), attempting to carol in the van, or all piling into megabed. This is truly a special crew, and I love them all.

Annual water polo! (Dana photo)

The week started more eventfully than usual, as the truck was out of commission. So we packed up 3 vans the old fashioned way and left the trailer at home. It was surprisingly not much of an issue at all (it helped that it was warm for waxing outside!). 

We did an adventure run the first night on the mountain. After that, it was basically all skiing except for the dreaded morning runs (though again - this team killed it and were on time at 7 AM!) and some strength with an afternoon run on Tuesday.

Home sweet home! (Dana photo)

FOOD (Dana photo)
I could go through each day, but I’ll spare you the details and let the pictures do the talking. In no particular order...

Someone missed the matching memo, but we love him anyway (L:R; Brian, Jordan, Jordi, Charlie, and Kai)
(Gabby photo)
Sometimes we did art (Cam's masterpiece between ski session)
(Dana's photo)

In need of recovery (Jackie)
(Gabby photo)

Spectating is recovery? (L-R: Em, Gabby, Jackie)
(Em photo)

Recovery. (Dana photo)

A happy Goober & Kandy (Gabby photo)
A very important meeting at MSA
(Dana photo)
You could say they've got personality (L-R: Steph, Jackie, Natalie, Jordi, and Jordan)
(Gabby photo)
Timmy and Matt cruising (Kate photo)

There's nothing better! (Em photo)
I was all smiles with the TREES (Em photo)
Roll train :) (Dana photo)

Some highlights included a slow and snowy day at Mt. Ste Anne, some long L3 classic, and some leg burning L4 skate intervals. Thursday was a massive Thanksgiving feast. The last day was the time trial as usual - a skate 10k for both men and women. Everyone did really well, but it is also worth remembering that this time trial is just that and doesn't have any bearing on how the season will turn out. Results can be found below.

Women's Results

The EISA trying to figure out football (Em photo)

Sometimes we skied (Kai)
Thanks so much for keeping up with us! We are all so thankful to our families and missed them over the holiday, but are grateful for all that they do, so we are able to have these wonderful opportunities. So thank you to everyone behind the scenes who support us unconditionally! Stay tuned for some more (late) updates of our early season racing - the Candy Cane Cup/NorAm at Nakkertok, IBU (biathlon) trials in Craftsbury, and the first Mid-Atlantic Junior National Qualifier in Gore!

Happy Thanksgiving! (Dana photo)

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