Monday, January 27, 2020

Skiing Fast and Shooting Sorta? Straight

As ETown would say, pictured is our mid race break (Bob photo)
Hey guys!

It's Tim, the hand shaker here. It’s a bit overdue since the carnival season has already started, but we on the team thought it would be a good idea to give some shout-outs to the athletes who competed over winter break this year. In mid-December, Lucy and I went to Craftsbury to give some biathlon races a shot. After having come off of a pretty mild snow fall and moderately cold temperatures at SLU, it was a shock to have to race at below zero temperatures in a sport that requires athletes to lay down on the cold ground and practice the art of denying your screaming muscles their right to oxygen.

Nevertheless, Lucy put on some hair ribbons (sparkles were not in attendance) and had a great couple of race at IBU trials, coming in third in two of the three races, missing only 4/20 between the two! On the middle day though, Lucy decided to challenge herself by skiing 15/20 penalty laps, only 2.25 Km further than her competition. Despite all of that, Lucy did ski very fast, and came away with a really great weekend of racing. Tim (me in the third person?) had only two races due to finals, and had two bouts of really good shooting, missing only 6/30 shots over two races. Skiing went well too, but Tim had other races coming up in the next week. All in all, spending the first weekend of break with a fast skiing friend with serious guns and a biathlon rifle (haha…muscle joke), was a pretty great way to start out. See results below.
Same pain cave, different accessories (Bob photo)

First Sprint
Mass Start
Second Sprint
(Note - biathlon sprints are not sprints)
Skiing smooth (Bob photo)
That beard, though (Bob photo)

The following week, Tim (again, I apologize for Tim’s egregious third person typing style) and Jackie went to Junior World Trials in Jericho, Vermont. What a fun week that was! Between watching the entire first season of the Mandalorian and skiing in the rain (which is apparently the way these days), Jackie and Tim had some awesome fun at trials. Jackie had some great shooting, most of the time, mixed with some incredibly fast skiing all of the time, and came away with a second and third place finish in her age group! Tim had some races, with mixed skiing and shooting, but managed to finish the weekend with four 25% off deli coupons at the Jericho Country store for being a patient and persistent customer. Neither Jackie nor Tim qualified unfortunately, but both were eagerly awaiting the start of the EISA carnival circuit in just a few short weeks. Soon would be their chance to escape the penalty loop for the next 7 weeks!

Full Results

Dave Priganc photos!and more here! - Thank you to Dave Priganc for braving the rain to take some great shots of the sprint and pursuit.

Thank you so much to Tim for writing this blog. He did great all of break, and it was honestly so impressive that he raced both weekends. One weekend of tough weather was enough for me. Also, thank you to Bob Townsend for the great photos! Finally, carnival recaps are coming up very soon. It has been an exciting start to the ski season that I can't wait to share, but it has been combined with lots of Senior thesis work and a temporarily broken computer... Thanks to Dana and Tim for picking up the slack! - Lucy

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