Thursday, November 26, 2009

Go Speed racer

Gokarting in Quebec city and a stroll in the Old Quarter. Andrew and I were trying to think of some suprise fun for the end of the week and I think we might have a new yearly tradition that involves stinking of gas and oil. It was not environmentally friendly but it was certainly fun. Wolcott and Beano made good on their trash talk winning overall and turning in the fastest lap time while finishing second respectively. It took me a couple laps and nudge from behind to figure out that the only real way to make an effective pass was basically to push the cart in front of you out of the way. We may have stretched the language barrier excuse a little far as most didn't seem to pay attention to the yellow caution flags that repeatedly came up as the less deft of us has to be turned around after spinning out by the swift footed attendants who appeared rather exasperated with us toward the end.
The absurdly warm weather made walking around the old part of the city comfortable at least. Sorry about forgetting the camera, but if you really follow this you have learned to expect that I often forget the camera and am not very good with it anyway.

Results from the kart race
1. Eric
2. Ben K
3. Connor
4. Hollis
5. Me
6. Andrew
7. Adam
8. Ben O
9. Tyler
10. Leah
11. Hannah
12. Margaret
13. Caroline

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