Friday, November 27, 2009


After skiing on the manmade loop at Foret on Tuesday I had pretty much decided that it was not worth the 45min drive and battle for space that would be part of getting on snow. Since the point of training camp is training and not getting on snow at all costs (while it would be nice) I decided to focus efforts on utilizing the terrain and sites available for dryland. This went exceeding well and I think that even though our on snow time was very limited this was quite possibly one of the best training camps I have experienced and run as a coach. We are finishing it off with a hard bounding session we did this morning up the ski slope at stoneham, with a recovery run this afternoon. The forecast is for snow overnight but it won't be enough to immediatly open more Ks at Foret. I called and tried to get some time reserved on the loop for the am only to be told that they were full and no time could be scheduled.
So we are left with either a rollerski at Jaques Cartier park and then pack up and leave or pack up and head for Gatinue Park in Ottawa for a rollerski there.
We were going to head home on Sunday but given the conditions have decided to get back a day early so everyone can get caught up school work and resettled for the final drive toward the end of the semester.
At least it looks to be turning a little more winterlike with some snow forecast for Northern NY and other parts of New England. Hopefully we will all be on some quality snow soon.

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