After a warmup down on Rt. 2 Eric, Austin and I started off. Though we weren't racing, it takes a good deal of effort to maintain good technique throughout the climb, and keeping your movements sharp and powerful up a long climb like this is one of the main goals I always have. I've never actually raced or done a max effort here, but I always time myself for this workout. I am usually bent over to exhaustion after reaching the top, but I was surprised to find that Friday, after reaching the top and still feeling strong, I'd finished the climb over 4 minutes faster than I ever had before. Eric and Austin weren't far behind, and all three of us were well under the previous "record" for the hill. Looks like all the testing and training, not to mention the resting, is paying off! We took a few photos during our cooldown near the top (the only way to ski more is to just go back down a ways and ski back up); the leaves were starting to fall but there's still a bit of fall color left.