After moving into Bob and Flip's Lincoln Street house a few days ago, things have gotten settled pretty quick for me here in Canton. There was of course the now-yearly scramble from office to office while I dealt with SLU's consistently-confusing registration/admittance forms and applications...nobody knows what any form is, who to contact, or where to send me next; and there's barely anyone on campus yet. Luckily, I am still allowed to go to school here, and coach as well. That's good, as the first thing I did here was dump my carload of ski stuff in the team room and begin to organize my cubicle.

As you can tell, there was a lot to go through. Essentially every team document from the last 15 years was stashed in this cabinet. Everything. Van rental from 2001? Silver Star camp in 1999? Dartmouth Carnival packet from 2002? I had a lot of fun putting together some of the more interesting pieces (old timetrials, training plans, retro photos, and more) but mostly I think the custodians hated me for loading up the recycling to the brim every night. Things are organized now, accessible and helpful.
I'm pumped for the team to get here and see everyone again. I've spent the summer reading everything I can on training, writing down my own thoughts on training, inventing new workouts, and testing them out on myself. It's gonna be a fun year. I think this is the most excited I've ever been for a ski season, and I'm not even racing anymore. Well, maybe I can still sneak in a few here and there...