Tuesday, March 9, 2010

NCAAs Steamboat, getting ready

Our trip out was relatively uneventful. All equipment arrived unharmed on Saturday, we stayed overnight in Denver. On Sunday after a 3hour drive through some very stunning scenery we arrived in Steamboat at noon. When we got here it was sunny and about 60F, t-shirt weather. After a lengthy check in at NCAA registration and getting unloaded at the hotel we got on the course by around 3:30pm by which time the clouds had rolled in the and it started a light rainy pellet snow, not pleasant but whatever everyone was glad to be out skiing finally. The conditions were okay but the course had not been groomed for a couple days so not nearly as good as it could have been.
Monday morning was still overcast but fairly warm, probably around 34F when we got on the trails after getting the klister on. The photos are from Monday, the boys did some classic ski intervals. They are pretty pumped about the course which we all agree is good one for them. Some solid climbing but no real walls to go up. It is good to be settled in and have time to ski the course a bunch before races start on Thursday but there is also a lot of downtime so it can get a bit boring. We had a great dinner last night with the Knowles family who came out for the week and rented a condo just down the road. Some easy skate today. A little light snow this morning but we are mostly on refrozen old snow.

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