One of the benefits of being an English major at SLU is that you often have lots of essays to write in lieu of finals. For the first semester ever I got away with that this fall, and packed up my stuff yesterday morning (Monday) and headed back to Burlington. In reality I could've left Thursday afternoon, but I'm never THAT on top of my assignments. Still, by leaving yesterday I guaranteed myself an extra week of break and access to really solid skiing. I thanked my car Big Red for the Christmas miracle of not breaking down this trip, carried my skis inside and found a giant platter of York peppermint patties which I proceeded to immediately do work on. This morning I woke up to my dog barking at the snowplow, which is always a good sign. Sure enough there's a few fresh inches out there and a good forecast. Eric will be home later today, and we have a good crew to train with up at Trapps and Sleepy Hollow so the start of break is looking good. See you all at those Eastern Cups!

Steve's way of saying goodbye
Oh, here are the pictures from Higley a few weeks ago per Ethan's request. As you can see, the first snow dump in Colton was a big one, chest high in some spots. We even ventured out onto the new trail we cut this year for Higley Trail Day. We did train that day, but couldn't help throwing tele turns down all the hills.

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