Sunday, November 24, 2019

En Route to Canada!

By Lucy Hochschartner '20

Hi Everyone!

We’re on our way to Canada! The past couple weeks since Gabby wrote about our first time on snow have been a dream. A couple weeks ago we had our first full week of skiing at Higley. Our first interval day were very competitive relay races. A shock to the system for sure, but we obviously had to go hard for the most important race of the year. We went to Lake Placid last weekend to pick up a new test ski fleet and get some good hilly intervals in. Innerloopen (the first half of Ladies 5k) definitely hurt the legs. Other notable workouts include strength room circuits that were probably the hardest we’ve done this year and double pole speeds with some single stick. Needless to say, I was sore by Sunday.
Sunny & Speeeeeedy Lake Placid intervals!

This week, we’ve been able to get on snow at Higley basically every day. It’s been amazing. I don’t think I’ve ever had early season skiing this good. We did some skate level three intervals and double pole 30/30s, but for the most part, we’ve been taking it easy before our biggest week of the year. Friday was, of course, water polo! A chance for us Nordic skiers to show off our speed, grace, and coordination (or doggy paddle). Then... we went to Cactus for dinner and Wal-Mart to stock up on snacks. We’re so excited to get up to Forêt. The snow looks awesome, so stay tuned!

Here's a sneak peak into the beginning of our week here!
Nice views

First run in Stoneham!

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