Hey everyone! Hope your summers are starting off well. My summer started off great for training, but has been suffering a readjustment period as it adjusts to life in the real world… better put life at IBM. Turns out that forty hours a week is a LONG time. Everything is going well, except for the fact that I’m the dumbest person there, not to mention that I have no engineering or computer science background, so I am essentially trying to learn a second, very technical language. At least my internship is in marketing….
Anyway, I’ve been trying to get one race in each week. I ran the Ottawa half-marathon with a friend from SLU on Memorial Day weekend and she basically pulled me along on the fastest 13.1 miles I will probably ever run. While that was an awesome experience, I’m trying to work on picking up my pace on the shorter 5ks because right now I am stuck in that half-marathon pace. I’ve done two 5k’s so far, one cross-country race at Catamount and one road race. I also did a 10k in between the two which was a good pace test.
I started doing some spenst and ski-walking workouts last week and am trying to work more rollerskiing into my training as well. Up to this point I had been doing a lot of biking, swimming and running. Kind of like Kalie and Beano, although significantly less bad-ass, I biked to Plattsburg the Friday of exam week and met my mom at the ferry, so I almost biked home…but not quite. I have my first triathlon this weekend so I’ll really be able to tell what I have to work on depending on whether I sink or swim...
Enough about training! I hope everyone’s doing well. I’m sure you guys have all kinds of summer jobs and training schedules but I’d love to hear from you! Email Ethan a blog so I can read about what you’re all doing. I need the break at work. Any of you that are in the Burlington area, let me know if you ever want to do anything!
Good luck!