Tried out the self-timer on my parents camera at Bolton. Good skiing on Sunday, and even better conditions now I'm sure.
I think it was on the ride home from Shelburne that Steve mentioned to me that he thought rollerskiing up the Mount Greylock access road would be a good workout. I nodded, thinking of all the times I’ve skied up it in the winter, realizing that he was right, it would be a good workout.
Interestingly enough, when I got around to checking email today after work, I saw that the local training group was holding practice on the toll road—level 3 intervals up Massachusetts largest and most rugged 3,491 ft mountain (its actually just 9 feet short of being considered a true mountain, but here in mass, its all we’ve got). Excited, I thought it would be fun. I jumped in the car and headed over to the visitors center at the bottom of the access road.
Though it had stayed dry in most parts of the area, it was a different story on the Greylock. As we neared the top, the clouds grew thick and condensation began to fall. Fortunately it never actually rained—mostly it was just a drenching mist. Don't get me wrong though, it wasn't in the least miserable. Rather, it was quite enjoyable. Skiing through the clouds, while catching up with some high school buddies--what could be better. Despite the wet, we reached the summit in a speedy 1:30 and were shuttled to the bottom by some devoted parents.
It was a good workout and an even more enjoyable ski. Fresh pavement and little traffic made the ride smooth and uneventful—definitely a new favorite. So Steve was right, it was good. And if anyone is in the area, call me up, and I would love to do it again.