Tuesday, October 9, 2007

Mt. Allen, conquered again by SLUski

So after we had our fun on St. Regis Saturday morning, I took a van a bunch of the manliest men on the ski team and traveled deep into the south Adirondacks to do one of the worst, most unrewarding hikes of all time...one of the 46 high peaks, Mt. Allen. For the third time. Stupid, I know. After a wet night of camping, a 5 am wake up call, and a little under 6 hours of running on the trail, we all survived and made it back to campus. It was a great trip and will post a longer account with some pictures as soon as they are available. It was a great ending to a long, hard week of training. As we head to mid semester break this week, I feel like the guys and girls are looking very strong and handling the training load well. Everyone is pretty excited and forecasts are calling for mountain snow this weekend...

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